1. otopenicitygardens.ro – is the commercial name of INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT SRL, a legal entity of Romanian nationality, with its registered office in Bucharest, str. Nicolae Filipescu no. 53-55, et. 7, approx. 40, sector 2, having order number in the Trade Register J40/2688/2011, unique fiscal registration code RO28146481.

2. Otopeni City Gardens complies with applicable data privacy laws. Otopeni City Gardens undertakes not to transmit the personal data of users of the website www.otopenicitygardens.ro to third parties and to use them only for the purpose of establishing contact with its customers, such as and for the purpose of informing them about aspects related to the operation of the site, offers and company policy.

3. Protection of personal data

By providing your data, you give us your consent to enter them into our database, in strict compliance with the legal provisions regarding the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and their free circulation.

4. Users have the right to request the following free of charge:

  • confirmation of personal data processing or not;
  • rectification, updating, blocking or deletion of the data provided, the processing of which is not in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001; termination of personal data processing;
  • ceasing the sending of promotional messages.

To exercise these rights, you can send us a written, dated and signed request to the email address: contact@otopenicitygardens.ro or to the address GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT SRL, Bucharest, str Nicolae Filipescu no. 53-55, et. 7, approx. 40, sector 2.


5.1. The content, as defined in the preamble, including but not limited to logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, static images, dynamic images, text and/or multimedia content presented on the Site, are the exclusive property of otopenicitygardens.ro, its all rights obtained in this regard directly or indirectly (through licenses for use and/or publication) being reserved.

5.2. The Client/Buyer/User is not allowed to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, modify and/or otherwise alter, use, link to, display, include any Content in any context other than that originally intended by otopenicitygardens.ro, the inclusion of any Content outside the Site, the removal of the signs signifying the copyright of otopenicitygardens.ro over the Content as well as the participation in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying or displaying the Content, except with the express written consent of otopenicitygardens.ro.

5.3. Any Content to which the Client/Buyer/User has and/or obtains access by any means, is subject to the Document, if the Content is not accompanied by a specific and valid user agreement concluded between otopenicitygardens.ro and it, and without any implicit or express guarantee from otopenicitygardens.ro with reference to that Content.

5.4. The Client/Buyer/User may copy, transfer and/or use the Content only for personal or non-commercial purposes, only if they do not conflict with the provisions of the Document.

5.5. If otopenicitygardens.ro grants the Client/Buyer/User the right to use, in the form described in a separate user agreement, certain content, to which the Client/Buyer/User has or obtains access following this agreement, this right extends only to that or those contents defined in the agreement, only during the existence of this or these contents on the site or the period defined in the agreement, according to the defined conditions, if they exist and do not represent a contractual commitment on the part of otopenicitygardens.ro for the respective Client/Buyer/User or any other third party who has/obtains access to this transferred content, by any means and who could be or is harmed in any way by this content, during or after the expiration of the user agreement.

5.6. No Content transmitted to the Client, User or Buyer, by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or acquired by him by accessing, visiting and/or viewing does not constitute a contractual obligation on the part of otopenicitygardens.ro and/or the employee/ to the representative of otopenicitygardens.ro who mediated the transfer of Content, if it exists, in relation to that content.

5.7. Any use of the Content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by this Document or by the user agreement that accompanies it, if it exists, is prohibited.